Besides the regular user, you can login to TheoChat as a moderator and get access to additional functions: ban and kick users.
To login as a moderator, use username: mod, password: pass
When using ElectroServer, you can enter the kick interval duration in minutes. SmartFox Server does not support this function - the kick time is set up in the server configuration file and can not be changed on-the-fly. You can modify it in the server configuration file (it is 30 minutes by default).
To add/edit a moderator in SmartFox Server you just need to edit its config file.
To add/edit a moderator in ElectroServer, you will have to modify the configuration file of our ElectroServer moderator extension. Locate the file extension.xml (in /socket_servers/Electroserver/moderatorplugin/) and modify/add the colored lines:
<Variable name="moderators" type="esobject">
<Variable name="user" type="string">mod</Variable>
<Variable name="password" type="string">pass</Variable>